
 The following storyboard sample pages are  from the SV5 animatic. A new and final version for the trailer is being worked on as of the moment and we'll keep you posted with updates on new stuff we're doing on SV5.

Scs. 1,2 and 3 shows Xyroth inside the Mothership.(Pose2) looking at the multiscreen panel of the Oracle. Sc. 2 - A close up shot of the Oracle, revealing multiple images of planet Earth. (for CG render of the Oracles efx-refer to video page fig. 1) Sc. 3-shows Xyroth's reaction to his discovery of the missing Orb on Planet Earth, he gives the order to invade the planet (refer to video page fig.2 and 3 for a video test render.)

The invasion Sequence. from pos. 1 we see a mothership  racing slowly towards
planet Earth. Then a track-out to reveal the invasion fleet , camera action continues     with a pan- across  showing the vast fleet with Talon fighters in  formation, a lone fighter darts out in the foreground. The scene is a continuous build up of events into the invasion of the planet. ( Refer to video page fig.2 for test render view.)